About Our Program
Joliet Central High School is proud to offer the following band opportunities for students.
Concert Band
The Joliet Central concert band is a non-auditioned ensemble for all band instruments. Students do not need to pass an audition or play a placement exam to participate in the concert band. Concert band focuses on intermediate technical and musical skill development for both the individual and the ensemble. Students in concert band will perform in at least three concerts per year. Symphonic band students may participate in concert band on their primary or secondary instrument with instructor approval. All members of the Joliet Central program are a part of the Marching Steelmen and Pep Band.
Symphonic Band
The Joliet Central Symphonic Band is the premiere band ensemble at Joliet Central High School. Accolades for the Symphonic Band span over century. Students must pass an audition or placement exam, or have recommendation from the director in order to participate in Symphonic Band. Symphonic Band focuses on intermediate to advanced technical and musical skill development for both the individual and the ensemble through intermediate to advanced wind literature. The Symphonic Band performs annual concerts at Joliet Central, and travels to festivals and contests. All members of the Joliet Central program are a part of the Marching Steelmen and Pep Band.
The Marching Steelmen
The Joliet Central Marching Band, or the Marching Steelmen, is comprised of every member of the Concert and Symphonic Band. The Marching Steelmen provides opportunities for leadership, creation, and performance. Performances include all home football games and select parades. The Marching Steelmen help to create an atmosphere of excitement and school spirit at local events, while supplying students with the opportunity to develop authentic leadership skills and enhance their performance ability.
Big Band (Jazz Band)
The Joliet Central Big Band is a volunteer/auditioned ensemble comprised of standard big band/jazz instrumentation (saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, percussion, guitar, bass). Students study and perform jazz literature from multiple time periods and genres, and perform at local events, concerts, and special performances such as the annual Big Band Dinner Dance.
Pep Band
The Joliet Central Pep band is comprised of every member of the Concert and Symphonic Band. The Pep Band provides leadership and performance opportunities. Performances include all home basketball games and select community events. The Pep Band is a key player in all home basketball events.
Other Opportunities
The Joliet Central Band Program offers many other musical opportunities, including participation in solo and ensemble contest and chamber ensembles.
History of the Joliet Township High School Band
Click here to visit the Joliet Township High School Band Alumni Association to view a complete history of the JTHS Band Programs.
Director of Bands - Don Stinson
Don Stinson is the Director of Bands at Joliet Central High School, only the fifth director in the band’s 108-year history. He directs the symphonic band, concert band, big band, jazz combo, pep band, and marching band, in addition to teaching Advanced Placement Music Theory.
Mr. Stinson is a 2002 alumnus of Joliet Central, and he holds degrees in music education from Joliet Junior College, VanderCook College of Music, Northern Illinois University, and holds an additional Masters in Education Administration from the University of St. Francis. Under his direction, the concert programs at Joliet have performed at numerous competitions and festivals. Performance highlights include invitations to the prestigious Illinois SuperState Festival at the University of Illinois (2017, 2018, 2019), a superior rating and multiple caption awards at the Smoky Mountain Music Festival, and superior ratings and Best of Day award at the Illinois High School Association contest.
Mr. Stinson holds five Citations of Excellence from the National Band Association, is a 2017 CMA Music Teacher of Excellence, a four time-named Grammy Music Educator Quarterfinalist, a Conn-Selmer VIP for Music Education, and is a National Board Certified teacher. In 2018, Mr. Stinson was recognized by his colleagues with the Chicagoland Outstanding Music Educator Award. He is a member of the Phi Betu Mu International Bandmaster’s Fraternity, the National Band Association, the Illinois Music Educators Association, and is the host of the music education podcast “The Bandmasters.”